About Sleep

/About Sleep

Where Should You Keep Your Alarm Clock for Better Sleep?

By |August 12th, 2021|About Sleep|

We have all experienced the frightening sound of our alarm clock, sending panic throughout our whole body, prompting us to shoot right out of bed. Our eyes still barely open and minds still half asleep and our alarm clocks have already created stress within the first few minutes of waking. As a society we hold [...]

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The Relationship Between Sleep and Indoor Air Quality

By |August 6th, 2021|About Sleep|

If you are having trouble sleeping, you might want to get your indoor air quality checked out. It is well known that pollution and bad air quality is bad for your overall health, but it can also negatively affect your sleep. Both outdoor and indoor pollution is connected to sleep disordered breathing, especially sleep apnea. [...]

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The Connection Between Sleep Quality and Your Pillow

By |July 26th, 2021|About Sleep|

Sleep disorders seem to be becoming more and more common every year. With over 70 million Americans suffering from some form of chronic sleep disorder, the average amount of sleep per night has gone down to six hours rather than the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep for adults over 18 each night in [...]

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Everything to Know About Sleep Enhancers

By |July 19th, 2021|About Sleep|

Even when we practice healthy sleep habits, sometimes our bodies need a little extra nudge to help us get the deep and restful sleep we need. Sleep enhancers, also known as sleep aids, are various products marketed to increase the duration and quality of sleep. They are most commonly sold in the form of medications, [...]

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How Napping Impacts Your Sleep At Night

By |July 12th, 2021|About Sleep|

We all have seen a small child not wanting to be put down for a nap. “But I’m not tired!” They whine with crossed arms, “I don’t wanna sleep!”  As adults, many of us find this behavior ridiculous, and almost feel a sort of joking envy. After all, you’d love to have structured nap times [...]

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What Is A Sleep Divorce?

By |June 9th, 2021|About Sleep|

What is a Sleep Divorce You're probably here because you've experienced staying up for countless nights due to your partner's snoring and frustrating sleeping habits. What was once endearing is now one of the primary reasons behind the death of your intimacy, and in that case, you may need a divorce — a sleep divorce, [...]

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What Is Deep Sleep and How Does It Affect My Body?

By |March 3rd, 2021|About Sleep|

During the past year, many people have experienced a decrease in the quality of their sleep, as the global pandemic has made getting a restful night's sleep more difficult for everyone. The crisis has given people more stress, increased anxiety, and ultimately affected their physical and mental health. It's known that adults need about seven [...]

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The Science of Snoring

By |February 24th, 2021|About Sleep|

Hearing a bothersome sound at night may seem like nothing, especially when you can’t hear it yourself. However, snoring can indicate health complications, which is why it’s important to seek professional help at our snoring treatment center in Jacksonville. It’s also essential to note what causes it, its implications on your health, and how you [...]

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How Sleep Affects Your Body Composition

By |February 17th, 2021|About Sleep|

Sleep is one of the most important bodily functions. Not only is it meant to serve as rest, it is important for recovery and rejuvenation as well. For people of all ages, it's a maintenance and growth period for the body. Kids may require more sleep each night, but adults need proper rest as well. [...]

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Explaining the Link Between Sleep and Pain

By |February 11th, 2021|About Sleep|

Your body repairs its cells during sleep, which is why getting enough sleep is vital to healing. If you've been getting fewer hours of sleep lately, you might have noticed that your levels of pain have increased to the point that it's affecting your quality of life. Pain from lack of sleep can even lead [...]

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