Do You Have a Sleeping Disorder?
Many people have sleeping issues and never have them diagnosed. At Jacksonville Sleep Center, we are diligent in providing the best sleep medicine we can. There are several disorders that go undiagnosed including:
The terms “snoring” and “sleep apnea” are often confused. Snoring is the simple reverberation of the soft palate creating noise that may be soft and intermittent to very loud and constant. Sleep apnea is the partial or complete blockage of the airway lasting at least 10 seconds.
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that occurs when a person has difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep, even when the opportunity to sleep is sufficient. It is the most common sleep complaint and can affect anyone.
Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological sleep disorder that influences a person’s ability to control sleep and wakefulness. During normal sleep, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep follows the early and deeper sleep stages. With narcolepsy, however, REM sleep is excessive.
Restless leg disorder is a neurological condition that affects the legs, causing an uncontrollable urge to move them.
During normal sleep, REM sleep accounts for last 20 or 25 per cent of the sleep period and occurs in the second half of the night. It is characterized by rapid eye movement, irregular breathing, a rise in blood pressure, a loss of muscle tone (paralysis), and dreaming.