Sleep Facts

/Sleep Facts

What to Do When You Can’t Sleep

By |January 22nd, 2020|Sleep Facts|

You’re lying in bed in a dark room, tossing and turning for what feels like forever. You finally decide to roll over and check the time only to see the bright little light show you it’s 3:47 am. Frustrated that you have maybe 2 hours of sleep left before it’s time to start your day, [...]

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Why Can’t I Sleep? Common Causes of Sleepless Nights

By |January 8th, 2020|Sleep Facts|

Tossing and turning, hot flashes, discomfort, wide awake, the list of why you can’t sleep goes on and on. But what’s the root of these sleepless nights? Falling asleep can seem like an obstacle, and getting a restful night’s sleep can seem impossible. Let’s address some of the common causes of sleepless nights, so you [...]

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Can Sleep Apnea Go Away?

By |November 20th, 2019|Sleep Facts|

Suffering from the effects of sleep apnea is very difficult for most patients. The cyclical disruptions to sleep can have detrimental physiological and emotional effects, drastically impacting your quality of life. The quest for treatment or cures can seem unending. One of the most common questions patients ask us is, “does sleep apnea go away?” [...]

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What Happens When You Sleep Too Much?

By |November 4th, 2019|Sleep Facts|

The adage that too much of anything can be bad holds true for sleep. While we often treat and encounter patients suffering from excessive sleeplessness, on the other end of the continuum are individuals dealing with excessive sleeping. We’re commonly asked, “Why am I sleeping so much?” or, “How many hours of sleep is too [...]

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What Is Sleep Latency?

By |July 24th, 2019|Sleep Facts|

Sleep latency refers to the amount of time it takes you to fall asleep after the lights have been turned off. Ideally, this transition from full wakefulness to sleep should occur relatively fast, without too much time spent trying to fall asleep. Sleep Latency and Sleep Efficiency There is a direct relationship between sleep latency [...]

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Why Is REM Sleep So Important?

By |May 8th, 2019|Sleep Facts|

What Is REM Sleep? Did you know that your body goes through multiple cycles of sleep every night as you rest? Many individuals have heard of sleep cycles, but to understand more about the importance of REM sleep, we should first gain more understanding. REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement, after the way the eyes [...]

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