So you’ve decided to get a sleep study done, but are curious how we go about doing it. Sleep tests are done either at home or at our sleep center. This article will detail what you should expect whether you do your test at home or at Jacksonville Sleep Center.

What to Expect with Home Testing

Home testing is done from the comfort of your own home. Some advantages include reduced cost, simplicity, and comfort. However, if you have a pulmonary, neuromuscular, or cardiac illness, a home test might not be right for you.

If you’re found to be a good candidate for the home testing, stick to your regular routine on the day of the sleep test. Avoid taking naps and consuming caffeine. For home sleep tests, you will use WatchPAT™200 by Itamar or the ARES™ unit by Watermark Medical.

Once the test is conducted, our dream team will collect your data. We collect information about your breathing, heart rate, sleeping position, and any apneas (pauses in breathing). We determine if sleep apnea is present and if it is the severity. Dr. Nassar will go over your results with you and make treatment recommendations or advise if further testing is required.

Sleep Center Testing

For testing in the sleep center, Jacksonville residents can come directly to our facility. If you need to monitor your sleep behaviors, a sleep center test might be the best option for you. Information gained during the test will be used to diagnose and treat disorders that may be discovered.

When you get to our sleep center, a member of our team will initially greet you. You may need to answer questions and complete paperwork. Then, we will show you to your room where the test will take place. All our rooms are private and equipped for your comfort. They have a bathroom, ceiling fan, Wi-Fi, and television, and are kept clean and comfortable.

Before you sleep, a team member will attach sensors to your body in preparation for your polysomnogram. These sensors will monitor brain waves, heart rate, breathing patterns, and other activity while you sleep. This information will be transferred to a computer in another room. When you wake up in the morning, the sensors will be removed. One of our sleep team members may ask you questions about your experience. Unless otherwise stated, your test is complete and you can expect results in one to two business days.

Where to Go For Sleep Center Testing in Jacksonville

If you are suffering from a lack of quality sleep, contact the Jacksonville Sleep Center team. We will work with you to create a plan for your specific needs. Contact us and start changing your life today!